Tag: obsessions

and then we tried obsessions 10.19.18

Obsessions: 10.19.18

You wanna know what we have been decidedly NOT obsessed with in the past month? The blog. Womp womp. We're hopping back in this week, ...
and then we tried obsessions 09.21.18

Obsessions: 09.21.18

Hello from Cleveland, where our professional football team has won an actual game! In other thrilling news, Hannah and Michelle have their ten-year high school reunion ...

Obsessions: 09.14.18

It's been a crazy few weeks around here. Robin is settling in after her move, and both Hannah and Michelle have been jet-setting around the ...
and then we tried obsessions 08.24.18

Obsessions: 08.24.18

In this week's ATWT Obsessions, we're talking about astrology, furniture refinishing, and face transplants.
and then we tried obsessions

Obsessions: 08.03.18

Did anyone else feel like this was the longest week ever while simultaneously feeling like summer is slipping away from us? No? Well then ignore ...
and then we tried obsessions: 07.27.18

Obsessions: 07.27.18

We took an unintentional summer break from the blog but what can we say, life got in the way of the internet. So we're back ...
And Then We Tried Obsessions 07.13.18

Obsessions: 07.13.18

It’s Friday the 13th! Being July, it doesn’t exactly feel spooky out, but hopefully, everyone gets only good luck today! We’ve been all over the ...
and then we tried obsessions

Obsessions: 06.29.18

We've been in a bit of a funk this week, but a few of these obsessions helped brighten our days. Do not proceed unless you're ready ...
and then we tried obsessions

Obsessions: 06.22.18

Well, it's been another whirlwind week around here! There isn't much of a unifying factor to this week's obsessions, which is our favorite kind. So, ...