Tag: christmas

Gift Guide: Indoorsy

Struggling to find gift ideas for your favorite people? We've got you covered with our And Then We Tried gift guide! First up: your friends ...

Obsessions: 12.22.17

Everyone enjoying the holiday season? Even though we've been frantically finishing up our shopping and wrapping gifts, we've still got time for our weekly And ...
gift guide: HBIC BFF

Holiday Gift Guide: HBIC Who Buys Everything for Herself

We all have that one friend who works hard and gets shit done. She’s essentially who Destiny’s Child was singing about in “Independent Women,” and ...
gift guides: jet-setting sisters

Holiday Gift Guide: Jet-setting Sister Who is Seemingly Always Out of the Country

So, you have to buy a gift for your world-traveling sister. She’s seen everything and is definitely cooler than you, so what do you get ...
gift guides: dads

Holiday Gift Guide: Dads. Honestly so hard to shop for and probably just asks for socks

DADS. Why are they so hard to shop for? And why do they have hobbies like American history and fitness? Much like moms, you can ...
gift guide white elephant gifts

Holiday Gift Guide: White Elephant Gift + People You Don’t Know Well

You pulled the one coworker you know NOTHING about for secret Santa. You got invited to the annual white elephant gift exhange. Make it easy ...
gift guide moms quality time

Holiday Gift Guide: Moms Who Only Ask for “Quality Time”

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we're kicking off the holiday season with five days of gift guides for the trickiest among us. Do you have ...
small space christmas

Mid-Century Modern Christmas Tree + Decorating a Small Space for the Holidays

Living in an apartment—or any small space—always makes for some interesting configurations. Microwave taking up half your countertop? Sure. Have to sit sideways on the ...