Tag: gym

LIVELY Active Review

LIVELY Active Review

You already know I'm obsessed with LIVELY bras and underwear, so when they launched an active line, I HAD to try it. As a fairly ...
Whole30 Tips and Tricks to stay #COMPLIANT

Whole30 Tips and Recap

It's been about one week since Hannah and I finished up the Whole30 and while we're not sure we could be Whole30 or Paleo forever ...
How I established a regular gym routine, and tips for how you can, too!

How I Established a Regular Gym Routine

If you've been trying to get into a regular gym routine, check out what has worked for Hannah over the past year.
five people you meet at the gym

The Five People You Meet at the Gym

January is for sure the busiest month for gyms across America. If your New Year’s resolution is to kick off a brand new fitness plan, ...
and then we tried obsessions 6/16

Obsessions: 06.16.17

The weather has been hot and our lives have been hectic this week, but you know we always have time to obsess over something. Here ...
and then we tried obsessions june 2017

Obsessions 06.09.17

Anyone else have the longest week ever? Between late night Cavs games and car repairs, we’re definitely ready for the weekend. Check out Michelle’s plea ...