As you know from my review of the Smile Brilliant teeth whitening kit, I am OBSESSED with having the whitest teeth ever, so the logical next step in my dazzling journey is jumping on the electric toothbrush train. Keep on reading for my full cariPRO ultrasonic electric toothbrush review and a 40% coupon code.
Before cariPRO reached out with this toothbrush, my experience with electric toothbrushes was minimal. I have always used a regular toothbrush and done all the super hard manual labor to clean my own teeth. I used to use Medium toothbrushes until my dentist told me that was too aggressive and to switch to Soft. A couple months ago, my sister Jennifer bought a cheapo electric toothbrush from Target and a water flosser and gave me the extra heads, and wow my teeth felt SO CLEAN after using both of those. Then, in a tragic event, Jennifer left me to live in her own house and TOOK HER TEETH SUPPLIES WITH HER. Rude. So really, the timing could not have been better for the cariPRO electric toothbrush to show up on my doorstep because I was in electric toothbrush withdrawal.
A little background info on my teeth: my teeth are generally pretty legit, I have never had a cavity, don’t have much sensitivity, and they are a nice shade of white from the Smile Brilliant whitening. I drink coffee and wine though, so there is always some light staining that could be scrubbed off, and I have been aware of a slightly different color around my gums, so I try to focus on that with my brushing. The cariPRO electric toothbrush comes with 5 brushing modes and one is specifically for gums, so holla!
Alright enough chatting, on to the full cariPRO electric toothbrush review:
cariPRO electric toothbrush appearance and feel: This brush feels fancy and legit. It has a nice weight to it and the handle has a slightly soft-touch feel to it, which I love on everything. The are only two buttons, one for turning it on and the other for switching between modes so it’s pretty easy to use them.
cariPRO electric toothbrush heads: The heads are shaped like a normal toothbrush, not the round spinny heads on some other electric toothbrushes. My knowledge of electric toothbrush brush heads comes from my time designing packaging for Oral-B so all I know is that the regular, rectangular heads typically have more of a sweeping motion compared to the orbital spinning of the round ones. The cariPRO doesn’t full sweep, but more pulses from the ultrasonic vibes. I like this, because I think the sweeping would be too much for me to contain in my mouth and toothpaste would go all over the place. The back of the cariPRO electric toothbrush head has a texture for tongue cleaning, which according to Robin, is very hard to come by in the electric toothbrush market and is a real hot commodity. She was VERY passionate about this, so if anyone wants to send Robin professional tongue cleaning devices, I think she’d love it. Note for Christmas!
cariPRO electric toothbrush durability: My sweet baby/demon cat, George climbed into my bathroom cabinet and threw my cariPRO toothbrush onto the ground along with a bottle of nail polish which shattered all over the place and on the brush handle, and…. The cariPRO electric toothbrush is TOTALLY FINE! I’m convinced that a cheaper electric toothbrush wouldn’t have survived that catastrophe, so tysm to cariPRO for making a life-proof electric toothbrush.
cariPRO electric toothbrush battery life: I have been using the cariPRO electric toothbrush for a couple months on average once a day and haven’t had to charge it yet. The charger stand is a lil’ minimal thing which I’m sure George could throw off the counter in a heartbeat, so when I do charge it, I’ll be sure to shut the bathroom door for safety.
Using the cariPRO electric toothbrush: I usually stick with the “Clean” mode which is the first, and basic mode. There are also White, Massage, Gum Care, and Sensitive modes so you get to pick whatever works best for you. Note for electric toothbrush novices, don’t turn this baby on until the brush is in your mouth, or you’ll have to clean your bathroom mirror. The cariPRO electric toothbrush has a timer which pauses after 30 seconds to tell you to move to another quadrant of your mouth, which has been helpful. I sometimes ignore this because I am a Very Busy Lady and at times don’t feel like spending a full 2 minutes brushing my teeth, but it is nice to have that guidance.

cariPRO electric toothbrush review summary: I have really enjoyed using the cariPRO electric toothbrush and will definitely continue to use it. The brush itself feels significantly nicer than the cheapo target electric toothbrush and the timer feature and tongue cleaner are nice add-ons. So, if you are looking to upgrade from a regular toothbrush or lower-end electric toothbrush, give the cariPRO electric toothbrush a try!
1 toothbrush + 2 brush heads + 1 charging dock : $119
1 toothbrush + 4 brush heads + 1 charging dock: $129
2 toothbrushes + 4 brush heads + 2 charging docks: $199
Toothbrush heads are 2: $13, 4: $23, and 8: $43
SAVE 40% with this link
Have you used the cariPRO electric toothbrush or do you have a favorite teeth cleaning product? Let us know in the comments.