Well, it snowed last night in Cleveland. Winter is officially here. See what we’re focusing on to forget about the weather in this week’s And Then We Tried obsessions.
The Ordinary “Buffet”
I’ve been slapping The Ordinary “Buffet” serum on my face every morning and most nights for the past couple of weeks and I’m obsessed. In the morning it makes my face feel so smooth which helps speed up the rest of my makeup routine and at night it adds a nice layer of hydration before any other potions. 10/10 would recommend
You can buy it all over the internet:
The Ordinary, $14.80 (shipping $4.99)
Asos, $17.00 (free shipping and returns over $40)
Beautylish, $14.80 (free shipping over $35) you can read my review of Beautylish here
Candle Making
My new hobby is making candles. Can you call it a hobby if you’ve only done it once, but are already obsessed? We used essential oils in the first round, but I think we need to upgrade to fragrance oils to bring a strong scent. The first batch used: bergamot, peppermint, sandalwood, and lavender essential oils from Whole Foods and these wood wicks from Amazon. I’d like something a little muskier, maybe leather or tobacco scents? I’d love any suggestions for where to get good fragrance oils for candle making!
Leandra Medin Cohen on Girlboss Radio

Leandra Medine Cohen—founder of the blog Man Repeller—was the guest interview this week on one of my go-to podcasts, Girlboss Radio. You may remember my very first post after I attended the Girlboss Rally last March. The thing that got me excited and ultimately attending the rally was Sophia Amoruso’s podcast, Girlboss Radio. A successful lady in her own right—she founded Nasty Gal, wrote a couple books, and had a Netflix show based on her life—she interviews a woman each week about success, failure, and what it means to inhabiting our world today. While every week winds up being inspiring, I especially liked this week with Leandra since she is a fellow blogger who unapologetically discusses a myriad of topics relevant to women, some easy while others taboo. Which is something we are trying to work on and aspire to around here. You can listen to the episode here.
If you like this episode and want to jump into others let me highly recommend Janet Mock’s episode as well as Roxane Gay’s.
Sennheiser Headphones
My old pair of headphones finally bit the dust a few weeks ago, so Zac bought me a new pair as an early birthday present. He’s VERY serious about his audio equipment and didn’t want to buy me just any headphones. I like over-ear headphones most of the time, so that narrowed our search a bit. He proposed quite a few pricey pairs but we finally came to an agreement on the Sennheiser HD280PRO pair. They’re great so far and I’ve been impressed by the sound quality. The downside? They look ridiculous.

This has been another week of And Then We Tried Obsessions, where we share whatever we’re obsessed with each week. Let us know what you’re obsessed with this week in the comments and if you see anything in the wild that you think we’d be obsessed with, be sure to tag us @andthenwetried or use #ATWTobsessions