Our main obsession this week is that the whole team is feeling well and back in action! It’s been a crazy few weeks around here, so we’re glad to have things get back to normal. See what else we’re loving in this week’s And Then We Tried obsessions.
Fence Panels
It seems like I’m always working on a fence project, so I don’t know how I never noticed this, but Home Depot’s shadow box fence panels are NOT built with standard 2x4s as the braces/cross pieces and this is a huge issue for me. I’ve had three panels half stained and waiting to be installed along the driveway for months now, and this week my Dad and I started removing the chain link and getting prepped to install the wood panels. The plan was to attach standard wood panels to the existing chain link posts, but they are set 8’9″ apart instead of 8′, so I need to add a little extra length to each panel using loose pickets and wood braces. But the wood cross pieces on the shadow box panels from Home Depot are 1.25″ thick and THAT IS NOT A STANDARD SIZE FOR ANY WOOD. So anyway, I bought an extra fence panel to disassemble, cut into smaller sections, and attach to the ends of my current panels to make them long enough to reach the metal posts. Then I’ll use these brackets to attach the wood fence panels to the chain link posts. Like every project in this whole house, it’s more complicated than I thought it would be, but I’ll get it done eventually!
Piles of Debt
Hannah was checking her credit score this week, which inspired me to check in on my credit score. Good news is, my credit score is totally fine, but the crazy discovery of the week is that Credit Karma will tally up all your debt and show you that GIANT number. I know I could have totalled all my debts myself, but seeing the number presented to me was kinda shocking. It includes a mortgage, car loan, student loans, and credit card debt, so I know a few of those are “good debts” but maybe the best debt would be no debt. Hit me up if you win the lottery and have spare piles of money laying around that you want to give me!
Wall mounted faucets

Something I just noticed this week is wall mounted bathroom faucets. And I’ve been LOVING them. Doesn’t it look 1 million times easier to clean the counter now? Definitely going on my bucket list of dream bathroom upgrades.
Jon Snow + Ikea Capes
It was recently revealed that Game of Throne’s beloved character Jon Snow’s iconic cape is in fact an Ikea rug. While that is hilarious enough—because who doesn’t love an Ikea hack—I love that they’ve really leaned into the joke, promoting detailed instructions, in true Ikea fashion, of how to create your own. They were created by the advertising agency SMFB and just in time for Halloween!

And God Created Millenial Earth
I was sick for a few weeks so I’ve spent this week getting caught up on the Internet. This post on McSweeney’s is cracking me up.
And God said, “Let there be light,” and it was lit AF.
Quitting Caffeine?
Another side effect of my illness (other than losing precious Internet time) is that my stomach is now very sensitive. A lot of my favorite things are off limits for the time being: ice cream, beer, Indian food. Included in that list? Coffee. I’ve tried a cup here and there but it hasn’t been going well. This presents me with the perfect opportunity to cut caffeine altogether, but I love coffee! I’ve never felt like I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with it, so do I really need to say goodbye forever? Am I overthinking this? (Probably) Have any of you cut caffeine? How did it go? Do you miss coffee?
This has been another week of And Then We Tried Obsessions, where we share whatever we’re obsessed with each week. Let us know what you’re obsessed with this week in the comments and if you see anything in the wild that you think we’d be obsessed with, be sure to tag us @andthenwetried or use #ATWTobsessions