Another week in the books and we can’t believe August is almost upon us! Besides sipping more rosé for our exposé part two (coming soon!) we’re trying to soak up all the last moments of summer. See what we’re loving in this week’s And Then We Tried obsessions.
Growing Vegetables
I planted five vegetable plants this year and have been diligently watering them every day hoping they wouldn’t die, and this week I picked two tomatoes!!! The Husky Cherry is producing a ton of lil babies and a few more look like they’ll be ready to pick soon. Jennifer and I each ate one from the first harvest and they were delicious. I’m still waiting on the Black Prince and Mr. Stripey tomatoes to ripen, and I also have a red pepper plant and a snap pea vine that have some vegetable babies on them too.
Wisteria Vines + DIY Arbors

I bought two wisteria plants earlier this summer and one of them is EXPLODING. I need to build a trellis/pergola/arbor for it to climb on before it starts taking over my neighbor’s garage. I’d like it to either be crazy eclectic and made of all found materials, or just a simple wood structure for the vines to climb. Also, I read that wisteria vines can take between three and twenty years to flower depending on if your plant was grown from seed or was grafted from a mature plant and I have no idea how my plants from Lowes were created. So stay tuned for the next twenty years while I wait. Atleast the leaves are pretty.
The Cut
The website The Cut has a mini series of articles where two exes explain why it ended and I CAN NOT get enough of them. These are so addictive. I spent a whole afternoon reading through them.
Here is a sneak peek of what’s in store:
Alan: Carrie will say ramen destroyed our relationship. I love Asian food; she doesn’t. Cuisine was always a conflict between us. And she’s lactose intolerant. Everything I liked, she couldn’t eat.
Carrie: One of the things that would get me so lit with anger was that the only thing he ever, ever wanted to eat was some form of Asian soup.
Haha, it’s the little things, right? Can you relate? If you want to read all of the articles you can find them here.
Layered Rugs

I have been on the verge of ordering a huge new rug for the living room every day this week. I would ideally then layer my current rug under a jute one like the photo above. What do you guys think? I am so torn! Do I like the layered rugs… I think so! Does this mean double the vacuuming? And what happens when you spill things in a jute rug??
What do you guys think? Are you pro or anti layered rug?
The beautiful photo above is from The Fox & She and you can check out all their tips for how to layer rugs like a pro.
Hannah is out sick this week, so send her some good vibes to help her keep on healing!
This has been another week of And Then We Tried Obsessions, where we share whatever we’re obsessed with each week. Let us know what you’re obsessed with this week in the comments and if you see anything in the wild that you think we’d be obsessed with, be sure to tag us @andthenwetried or use #ATWTobsessions