Author: Michelle Kowalski

Refinishing a deck with Olympic Maximum Stain

Refinishing My Back Deck With Olympic Maximum Stain

As I mentioned in the house paint reveal post, I refinished my deck with Olympic Maximum Stain after the crew wrapped up painting and I’m ...
And Then We Tried Obsessions: 7.14.17

Obsessions 07.14.17

Anyone else feel like this week was just unnecessarily difficult? It was awfully rainy here in Cleveland this week, so let’s blame that. Time to ...
Lively Underwear and Bra Review

LIVELY Review, Why I’m a Leisurée Superfan

What, you’ve never heard of leisurée? For anyone out there desperate to know more about my undies, I’m wearing LIVELY. All the time. So get ...
and then we tried obsessions 7.7.17

Obsessions 07.07.17

Hope you all had a great, short week after the 4th! We are really leaning into summer this week and are obsessed with summery manicures, ...
ten questions to ask before hiring house painters

Ten Questions to Ask Before Hiring House Painters

So, my house painting is done! (I think, tbh they never told me if they were done…) As you saw in the reveal post, I ...
And Then We Tried Obsessions 06.30.17

Obsessions 06.30.17

Everyone ready for the holiday weekend?! We are! This week we grabbed some great new products from Target, Michelle is FINALLY going to stop talking ...
Sherwin Williams Seaworthy exterior paint

Dark Teal House Paint Reveal (Before and After!)

My house painting is finally done! (I think… more on that next week.) I’m thrilled with the dark teal house paint color I chose: Sherwin Williams ...
ATWT featured 6/23

Obsessions: 06.23.17

So Michelle is still working on those gym shoes, Robin is loving a piece of technology she never knew she needed, and Hannah can’t get ...
and then we tried obsessions 6/16

Obsessions: 06.16.17

The weather has been hot and our lives have been hectic this week, but you know we always have time to obsess over something. Here ...