What are you all up to this weekend? We’ve got big plans to steal some wildflowers and we’ve got the perfect vases to put them in. Plus, a pretty nostalgic soundtrack to blast while we’re perfecting our flower arranging. See what we’re talking about in this week’s And Then We Tried obsessions!
Apartment Therapy
I love checking Apartment Therapy to see house tours, before and afters, and DIY projects galore and last week my house painting transformation was featured!!! You can see the post here: Enticing Exteriors: A Yellow House Spins the Color Wheel for a Whole New Look. Let’s see if I can clean the inside of the house enough to take some pictures so I can submit a full house tour!
Chicory Flowers

I don’t know what it says about me that I’m obsessed with the weeds that grow along Cleveland highways, but there you go. I love seeing these little blue flowers as I drive to work every day and get really sad when they have been mowed. I’m pretty tempted to hop out and cut some for a vase. I’m heading to Cincinnati this weekend so I’ll get to spend 8 hours looking at these babies on my drive.
World Market Vases
I made the mistake of going into World Market on a whim this week. It’s like going to Target unprepared… you end up with everything. This time it was these small dipped vases. The bottom is an unfinished texture and the top is dipped in white glaze so each one is slightly different. I picked up the first two in store for $4.99 a piece. Seriously a bargain! They are selling as sets of 2 online for $9.98. I may have to go back for this bigger guy at the end which is still only $16.99! They look so much more expensive than they are and would make a cute little gift.
1| Small Round Dipped Vase 2| Small Skinny Dipped Vase 3| Large Dipped Vase
Cactus Silks
I have been loving cactus silks without knowing what they were since I went to Round Top in April and saw a vender selling goods with them there. Ever since I’ve been on the look out of where to find this material. As The Jungalow’s Textile Treasury points out, cactus silks are a Moroccan textile “made from the fiber of the Saharan aloe vera, a member of the agave family. The leaves are pounded and soaked until the fibers separate. Then the fibers are spun by hand to create a silky, but very strong thread. The thread is woven on looms to create the cactus silk. The colors are created with vegetable dyes.” I’ve seen it in many vibrant shades with detailed embroidery set in.

BUT I can only find it already sewn as pillows, floor cushions, etc. This eBay shop has an impressive selection of colors. Being the DIY do-er that I am, I can’t find anywhere to actually buy just the material. Guys, just between us, I even looked up flights to Marrakesh for Labor Day to just casually pick some up at a market?? I DON’T KNOW, but thats how bad I want this. Someone, ANYONE, please tell me where to get my hands on this! Any tips appreciated!
French Army Plays Daft Punk
As a veteran of my high school marching band, I always have a soft spot for marching band performances, especially when they’re as creative as this one. As part of their Bastille Day celebrations, the French Army marching band performed a medley of Daft Punk songs. I thought it was so cool! Just ignore Donald’s face and everything is fine.
The Format
Ok, was anyone else obsessed with The Format in high school? I know you’re out there. The band, featuring a pre-fun. Nate Ruess, was an early-2000s gem and I just stumbled upon them once again. Not sure if it’s the nostalgia or what, but “Time Bomb” is a banger.
This has been another week of And Then We Tried Obsessions, where we share whatever we’re obsessed with each week. Let us know what you’re obsessed with this week in the comments and if you see anything in the wild that you think we’d be obsessed with, be sure to tag us @andthenwetried or use #ATWTobsessions