Tag: teeth whitening

cariPRO Ultrasonic Electric Toothbrush Review and Coupon Code, a continuation of my quest for the whitest teeth ever

As you know from my review of the Smile Brilliant teeth whitening kit, I am OBSESSED with having the whitest teeth ever, so the logical ...
Smile Brilliant Review, our path to the whitest teeth ever and our Smile Brilliant before and after

One Woman’s Quest for the Whitest Teeth Ever, A Smile Brilliant Review + Giveaway

I have been whitening my teeth sporadically (just doing a few days of white strips whenever I thought my teeth were starting to look yellow) for ...

Obsessions: 01.05.18

Hello, 2018! Man are we glad to put 2017 behind us and (fingers crossed) kick off an even better year. Despite being out of range ...